Water purification industry information

Which is better, RO water purifier or UV water purifier?

Views : 55824
Update time : 2021-12-18 14:56:29
We all know that ultraviolet sterilization is very reliable. It has been used in medical treatment for a long time. Reverse osmosis filtration has emerged in recent years and has been accepted by more and more people. However, some people are repelling that after the reverse osmosis water purifier is filtered, the trace elements in the water are missing, and drinking this kind of water is unhealthy; of course, this statement has no scientific basis.

Reverse osmosis water purifier:
Reverse osmosis refers to the high-precision permeation and filtration of water molecules through RO membranes. What is reverse osmosis means that water molecules move from a lower area to a higher area, and push through the RO through the action of a hydraulic pump or its own water pressure. Membrane, during this process, water substances larger than 0.0001 microns will remain under the RO membrane and be discharged as waste water. The water passing through the RO membrane is pure water. If an activated carbon filter is added after the RO membrane, the taste of the water will be better.

Ultraviolet water purifier:
The water produced by the ultraviolet water purifier is also called pure water. When the water flows through the place where the ultraviolet rays are located, the viruses and bacteria in the water are killed and the effect of purification is achieved.

Comparison of UV and RO film:
1. Ultraviolet rays deactivate microorganisms in water through sterilization and disinfection
2. Ultraviolet rays do not have measures to control the intensity of ultraviolet rays. As the organic matter in the water increases, it will lose its ability to disinfect
3. Ultraviolet rays can remove bacteria and viruses smaller than 0.0001 microns in water
4. RO membrane dissolving and filtering, can filter out all the substances larger than 0.0001 micron in water
5. RO membrane cannot filter bacteria and viruses smaller than 0.0001 micron
6. RO membrane can fully filter chemical pollution and solve modern water pollution problems
7. During the filtration process, the RO membrane also removes trace elements in the water, which can only be obtained from food
8. Relatively expensive reverse osmosis water purifiers

Based on the above comparison, we find that reverse osmosis water purifiers are more suitable for contemporary people’s drinking water. Although ultraviolet water purifiers play a role in sterilization and disinfection, the chemical pollutants in the water cannot be removed. Although reverse osmosis water purifiers cannot remove water less than 0.0001 microns However, according to investigations, bacteria and viruses below 0.0001 micron are rarely or even absent in municipal tap water and mobile well water. So if you want to buy a water purifier to purify drinking, it is recommended to buy a reverse osmosis water purifier instead of an ultraviolet water purifier.
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